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stray cat health

18 15:55:01

my fiancee recently brought home a stray cat, besides being skinny and malnourished, she seemed to be perfectly healthy. then we noticed that she has some sort of a thick white secretion that is constantly coming out of her vagina. is it possible that it is a yeast infection? she seems to young to have had kittens, and it is obvious to us that she was once someones pet. she's very friendly, loving, and knew exactly what the litter box was as soon as she saw it. we have a 4 month old daughter, and I wanted to make sure that the secretion wasn't some sort of disease that could cause my daughter harm. i've had cats before and never seen anything like this, any ideas?

You should take her to the vet to be checked for Feline Leukemia and FIV as well as have a stool sample analyzed and get her vaccinated to ensure she is healthy.  

Her being skinny is likely due to intestinal parasites, of which some can be transmitted to people.

Any type of discharge from her vagina is not normal and should be checked.  I would be concerned about a uterine infection (pyometra).  Yeast infections are very rare in cats.  And she should be spayed A.S.A.P.

Cats can be pregnant as early as 6 months old.