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Force feeding..

18 15:14:13

I have a cat that was dropped off to me about 2 weeks ago.  She is not a kitten.  She looks like she might be an older cat but considering how bad she looks, it is hard to tell.  She is very thin.  She ate very little for about a week and then stopped completely.  She came down with a URI (stuffy nose, runny eyes, heavy breathing).  I have been force feeding her chicken baby food, nutrical and water.  I have tried giving her fluids several times but the needle either won't go in or passes right through the skin. Makes me nervous and then she starts trying to get away and we quit and go back to syringing water down her.  I have tried tempting her with some of the strongest smelly stuff I know and she won't touch it.  She is a foster along w/several others.  All the others are fine.  Some did get stuffy noses but that was it.  I did take one to the vet and it cost over $200 and I came out with clavamox and to continue what I am doing and to come back.  She is in the bathroom w/a small vaporizer and I was hoping when I take a shower that would help her noses too.  My questions is, is there anything else I can force feed her with that is high in calories?
Thank you

Hi Terri - Oh Boy , I see you are doing a great job with this cat!
Offer some canned pumpkin - good calories and fiber.
Also, you can buy some nutri cal - give her some dosages on your finger.  Force them if you have to.. here is a link:  YOU should be able to find it is most pet stores:

***sorry, not too much more you can do