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Why might I be pushing my mothers dog away?

18 15:43:57

I am not sure that this question is for a veterinarian to answer, but here goes:

This past Sunday, my beloved dog passed away. Since his passing, I've been pushing my mother's dog away. Maybe I'm upset that her dog's still alive while my dog is dead. Maybe in time, I won't push her dog away anymore, I just really miss my dog right now and am grieving for him.  I don't know and am jc to see what you might have to say about this matter.


I am sorry to learn of your dog's passing.  Dogs are a part of our lives and we love them as if they were our own children.  You may be pushing your mother's dog away because you do not love her dog.  When we own dogs, we have to accept the fact that every 15 years or so (if we are lucky) we will have to go through this greiving process.