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My Dog Wont Stop Pacing

18 14:43:55

QUESTION: Hi, my dog, a staffordshire bull terrier about a year and a half old, will not stop pacing when he cannot sit next to me. If I sit somewhere like the kitchen table, he paces back and forth, stares at me and quietly whines. If I sit on the couch, he snuggles up next to me and falls asleep. I just want to know if this is a result of anxiety or if something is wrong. I've tried walking him when he does this, telling him to 'go lay down' or ignoring him but nothing seems to work.

ANSWER: Sounds like it could be a serious case of spoiled dog here. If this dog hasn't been through obedience school he is long overdue.
If this is new however, it could be that he is in pain and trying to let you know.
I would need more information than this.

My dog is 12 and when I come home from work she will do the same thing, but I give her some attention then she settles down.

If he isn't settling down then you should have the vet look him over to rule out any kind of physical issue.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It is very possible he is seriously spoiled, its not new.... If so, how do I train him to calm down? I'm a college student and cant really afford obedience school. Are there any "home-school" options I can work with him to decrease his neediness?

There are a ton of sites online about obedience Devlin. Try Uncle Matty's site at

He is an awesome trainer. From his site you might find more links to help out. Consistency is a key here as is spending the time with the dog when you get home.
Find a way to keep him occupied while you are in school also. Fenced yards help. Not always an option, I know!

We always say that a trained dog is a happy dog.  Work with him and you will get results. Also if he isn't already, get him neutered. Neutered dogs do much, much better at home alone.