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hair loss & death in puppy

18 14:54:44

my dad got my kids a perfectly heath puppy then a week ago it started getting sores on its ears and having server fur loss all over it's body starting with its face and the back of it's rear legs and it's tail.,and then for the last two days it wouldn't eat or drink anything, unfortunate it died this morning before we could get it to the doctor on monday. and now our other healthy 7 month old puppy is starting to get hair loss also and she is getting sores in her ears and around her neck where her collar is and she eats but not as much as usual and is getting aggressive... what could this be

I cannot be very specific, but 2 things come to mind.  First is demodex mange, this will cause hair looss ans sores, but rarely causes geath.  MAny pups in a litter can get this parasite.

The second disease is called Juvenille Cellulitis, also called puppy strangles, which is a reaction to bacteria. It will cause the skin to get ulcerated and weep.  The lymph nodes in the neck and the tonsils in the throat get huge and can cut off breathing.

I would advise getting the second puppy to a vet right away for an evaluation.