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dog skin problem

18 14:38:44

My dog Buddy is 11 yrs young and weight 55-60#. I have changed his diet and other things to help with his skin problem is related to an allergy. He is on totally grain free food, I add fish oil to his food and bathing has been cut way down. When bathe hypo-allergenic shampoo is used. In between baths hypo wipes are used. I have been giving him MitroMax since Sept. He was doing really good, skin healed, hair grew in and now the hair loss has begun once again.  I started him on Derma Strength Nov. 4th when the skin condition flared up so he is now on both.  Haven't changed anything and haven't any idea why it has flared up. Do you have any other product suggestions as I am somewhat going a little nuts with trying to help him. His skin is scaley, crusty and he is itchy. Any suggestions on how I can help him?  I would prefer holistic medications if at all possible that you might suggest.  Thank you....."

There are many types of allergies, including allergies too environmental things like pollens, molds, treees, grasses, mites, etc.  You can have the dog tested to see what he is allergic to. Since what you are doing is not working, I would recommend that you ask your vet for a 3 weeks course of steroids to see if that stops the itching. When steroids stop itching, it is an environmental allergy.  If there is a secondary bacterial or a yeast infection, that needs treatment as well.