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I dont know if this is related...

18 15:50:13

I don't know if this is related to skin or not, but here is my question.  We shaved our dog for the summer and some of the hair grew back and some did not - you can still see the clipper marks in areas.  She also had a couple of cysts removed in August.  The spots where the vet shaved for the surgery have a weird growth pattern.  Around the outer border is still shaved and in the middle is long patches of hair.  She is hypothyroid and taking thyroid meds but our vet can not explain the strange hair growth pattern on her body.  Thank you.

Hypothyroidism can definitely affect hair regrowth after clipping. Ask your vet about increasing the medicine for a month or so.  Also, some dogs do not grow hair during certain seasons of the year.  For this condition,  I recommend Melatonin at 6 mg per day. It is avaialble over the counter at many health food stores.  That sometimes also helps regrow hair.