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Dog and bee stings,,,,,,,,,

18 15:57:14

My sister's dog got a bee sting today.  Does she need to get the stinger out?  If so, how?  The dog has a warm and dry nose but no swelling or difficulty breathing.  Help!  Any suggestions, my sister would appreciate.  =)

Hi Christine!

It might be several hours since you contacted me with your question. (The big drawback to this service) I hope the dog is feeling okay, and that you figured out how to deal with the bee sting.

Just the same here's what to do, it might be helpful sometime in the future:

If the stinger can be found, pull it out with tweezers by grasping the stinger itself, located below the venom sac. If the sting just happened, don't put pressure on the venom sac, as that would "inject" more of the venom into the dog.

Apply cool compresses to the area.

Bee stings have acidic venom, they leave the stinger in the skin. Apply a pasty mixture of baking soda and water to the sting area.

Wasp stings are alkali, and the sting is not left in the skin. Bathe the area in vinegar as the sting is alkaline.

Do not administer any medications without first contacting the veterinarian. Bear in mind the veterinarian will likely need to examine the dog before recommending medications.

Applying 100% Aloe Vera gel (not a blend) will also help cool the sting site, and help with itching. It's safe if the dog happens to lick it off.

I hope this has been helpful and I wish you the best of luck!Please keep me posted and give that doggie millions of kisses for me!Sending wagging tails your way!