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please please help my chihuahua has a bad smell

18 15:22:20

i really need your help. my chihuahua is going threw labor, she's really weak and doesn't want to eat. she has a yellowish-green liquid coming out of her vagina. and it has a really bad smell, she's been in labor for about 36 hours and she has not giving birth to any puppies. she can hardly walk, can you please tell me how i can help her. your advice is very much appreciated thank you for your time.

This is a major emergency and you need to get this dog to the Vet's right away or you are going to lose her and the puppies. No dog should ever be in labor for 36 hours!!
The bad smell that you are smelling are dead puppies inside of her.
If you don't call a vet tonight and get her in to see one now she will most likely not survive.
Call the vet's right away!!! I am not kidding here, this is a life-threatening emergency.