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Cat looks sick/depressed.

18 15:54:23

Last week gave cat a bath. Took her with me to friends for 2 days due to hurricane. After a couple of days I noticed she looked relaxed. Now I also notice the spot where she lay is very warm to the touch. I put her on the couch and she stayed there. Its not like her to stay put. When i pick her up her heart races and she squirms to jump out of my arms, normally. Now she is just very quiet, heart rate is calm and she can barley meow to me. She drank some water that I held and tapped the bowl.She looked dizzy when she stood up on the couch as I came in the door then just dropped down. Normally she jumps off and is at the door alert and awake.If she is so tired tonight why are her eyes open and she cant sleep?  

You really need to take her to the vet for an examination.  This behavior is definitely not normal and I would not recommend just watching her at home.  Cats have very good balance and the fact that you say she looked dizzy is of a concern.  Her being tired is different than her being sick, and it sounds like she is sick.  I am sure she is sleeping at some point in the day.  However, I can not diagnose over the internet and a trip to the doctor is really warranted here to determine what is going on.