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my dog seems like something is in her nose

18 14:48:43

i recently took my terrier to the vet for her shots, they gave her a nasal shot im thinking for bordettella she was fine we went home then vet called to check on her and she was fine. Then about 2 days ago she starts to make this noise that sounds like she's trying to blow something out of her nose. I don't know what to do and when she does make these noises i get all scared. Am I over reacting or do u think I should call the vet? thank you for your time

She probably has some tickling in her nose from the vaccine. Call the vet who gave it to her and ask them if other dogs have had a sneezing side effect from it. What it sounds like she is doing is reverse sneezing which is not uncommon in dogs anyway.

Call your vet and ask them if there has been reactions to that vaccine and tell them what she is doing.