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CKF & Endosorb

18 14:07:16

Hi, my cat, Frank, is 13 & has CKF (chronic kidney failure). He had abnormal kidney test results in Oct. 2011 when dental work was done. My vet hoped the test results were due to infection & stress from 2 bad teeth but a retest several weeks later gave the same results. Since that time Frank developed loose bowel movements & eventually chronic diarrhea. His weight dropped from a norm of 9 & 1/2lb to 7 & 3/4lbs & held there until a few months ago when the diarrhea became completely liquid. Between Mar. 29 2013 & beginning of Aug.(4 months) he went below 7lbs. My financial resources are permanently tight but my vet gave me a payment plan & so I took him to her in early August. A senior cat complete blood work panel was done. BUN 87 & CRE 3.5. Only other results not within normal range were Amylase 1588. It also says Blood 3+ Neg & RBC 4-10. Normal range for Phosphorus 6.3 & total Protein 7.6 & normal everything else too. I told the vet that the diarrhea was killing him & she prescribed Albon & Azodyl. The Albon had no effect & I continue to give the Azodyl twice a day. She suggested IV fluids every other day, home administered, which I did. She said he might live another year or two. He worsened, rapidly, in the last 3 weeks! Lost another half a pound & down to 6lb. & 1oz, skin, bones & fur. He was drinking & urinating enormous amounts constantly. His bowel movements were a spot of liquid apx. the size of a quarter. He quit eating & lost appetite so I have been struggling to get any kind of nutrition down him, syringes of homemade eggnog (50 calories a tbsp.), Nutri-cal for cats, baby food meat, chicken, ect. anything I can think of. Didn't matter what at this point. A special diet for CKF was impossible given the situation & I couldn't make his diarrhea any worse. He obviously was going to starve to death but what little I could tempt him to eat or syringe down him was just running through him so fast he was receiving little nourishment. I called the vet & asked what could I do to stop/control diarrhea & she said - get the CKF under control & hopefully that would stop the diarrhea... I tried various diarrhea meds which didn't work. THEN, I get my hands on Endosorb. It works!!! The day after I started it I caught him eating cat food 3 times in 1 day. 2 days after, he has a large normal sized fairly solid bowel movement that holds it's shape he & continues to eat cat food. He is no longer drinking & urinating the vast qualities that he was previously. When I pinch the skin on the back of his neck it pops right back into place! I honestly think that not only was the diarrhea starving him it was also a significant factor in his dehydration. I am cautiously optimistic. Other than a 1 time small amount of baby food meat he has only eaten cat food in the last 2 days & his weight is up an ounce. My question is, can I keep him on the Endsorb on a long term basis??? Without it I believe he will die in pretty short order. I have had many pets but I have never loved one more than I love Frank, I can't have him forever but another year or two with him is more important than I can express. If I can extend his time with me & keep his quality of life comfortable by continuing the Endosorb it would be a wonderful thing. Thank you so much for your time & knowledge.

HI Edith,
Sorry it took so long to answer you but I was having some computer issues.
From what I can gather, Endosorb is in itself not toxic, even long term, but some of the ingredients might not be really great long term, like aluminum silicate.

The main thing here is this: a cat with CRF is possible not going to last two years no matter what you do. It depends on the state of his kidneys. Your vet can assess that with periodic blood tests.

The Endosorb probably helped because he had a lot of other issues with bacteria going on in his gut on top of the CRF. So the Endosorb helped clean that out because it absorbs toxins. That is a great thing! Thank goodness for that.

What I suggest is that you give it once or twice a week but not daily. That can help stretch it out and lessen the chance of a reaction or problems with it.

I've been right where you are with my beloved Floyd. He was 19 yrs and one month when he suddenly came down with acute kidney failure. I nursed him for a month and then other systems started to break down so I let him go. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done.

So I feel for you deeply on this one. You are very fortunate that the Endosorb worked- for now. It may stop working however, no matter how much you give.

At that point, you have to think of Franks quality of life. I know how hard it is to do, but do it we must.

Until then, I hope that the Endosorb helps. You can write to the company in Florida if you want more information about the medications>

Please keep me posted on how he does.