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thin cat on prescription diet

18 14:22:24

12 year old cat, 9 lbs., normal blood tests, on prescription Science Diet I.D. and regular furball medicine to help daily throwing up. Cat used to keep down I.D. dry, now only wet and moistened dry food which must be given a tbsp. at a time and several times throughout the day. Cat still throws up sometimes, feeding schedule is impractical (though I love her and have been avoiding going out of town so I can be here to feed her all day), and in spite of no major weight loss, feels a little too 'bony.' Any suggestions for a more soothing diet that might be eaten in bigger doses or anything that might fatten her up a bit? Thank you!

I am not understanding why this cat needs to be spoon fed several times a day? Can she not eat on her own? Why can't you just leave her some wet food out for the day?

Hairball medicine is not for a cat that is vomiting all day, but a cat that has long hair, grooms a lot and vomits hair up now and then.

This cat sounds like she might have something going on inside, and it doesn't have to be something that is going to show up on a blood test.

Daily vomiting could be from a mechanical issue,such as a problem with her esophagus, her stomach or kidney failure. Diabetes can make them vomit, as can liver problems and some cancers.

I/D is a great food and you won't find a more 'soothing' food for the gut, but if she is now having issues eating that, then there are other things that need some further investigation.

If this were my cat, I would take her in to the vets and ask for some contrast xrays or an ultrasound. That is the only way you are going to find out what is really going on with her. Boniness is weight loss. She might not have lost a lot of muscle, but her fat is being eaten up by something inside of her. Next come muscle loss so get her in soon.

I hope that you can find the problem and that she does better.