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Severe Labored Breathing

18 15:06:03

My 13 year old poodle had been put on theophyline four days ago for severe coughing due to a collapsed windpipe.  Since then her breathing is worse much more labored and her tongue is turning purple.  The  vet said to continue her the medication but I think this is making her worse..I think she could die if she continues this heavy panting..what should I do..I am so afraid I'll lose her

Theophylline isn't going to make her worse, but she could just be getting worse. I was on it for years when I first got asthma. It opens up the airways and helps you breathe.

Collapsing trachea's are a very sad and hard to treat condition. Basically she has COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary (Airway) Disease. People get this also.  

Has he tried any treatment with an inhaler? Some vets use human albuteral inhalers for dogs like this. It is just a stop-gap measure.
There is really nothing that can be done for a dog with this disease I am sorry to say Carol.
I have never seen one get better. It's really a matter of time before she does have a major issue with breathing.

What is her quality of life like at this point also? Is she spending every waking moment trying to breathe? Is she eating at all, playing or interacting with you?
You might want to ask yourself those questions and you may have to come to a conclusion that you will not want to. But remember this, after 13 yrs, she has been your source of joy and love. You have been her source of care, love and security. She depends on you to give her the gift of not suffering. You need to find the strength to carry that out when the time comes.

I understand your pain and fear more than you know. My own Mom had this (COPD). It was terrifying for her.
I couldn't give her that gift but we can to our beloved pets.

I am sorry I can't be of more help. You might want to try and use some steam if the vet said that would help. Steam will sometimes relax the spasms and help them breathe. But ask your vet first. You might want to ask him about some codeine for the cough also.

I hope that she gets well soon or that you see some improvement.
My thoughts will be with you and her both. Please let me know how she does.