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i need help identify a mis-sold fish

23 11:43:54


Unknown Cichlid
Hi Ron i bought a what i thought were two quetzal cichlids about for  months ago but since then one has grown much larger than the other and has a completely different mouth shape and body shape, i'm thinking that the smaller cichlid may be a blue acara but i've also been told it could be a green terror or a jack dempsey, can you help me identify it please and give me some tips as to its temperament and needs so i can look after it properly knowing what it is thanks in advance,


P.S If you need another photo let me know

Hi Robert,
 It does look a lot like a blue acara (i.e., Aequidens pulcher) from Venezuela.  Blue acaras are really nice fish. They are not too picky or tempermental.  A large one would be about 4 inches in length.  They do just fine on flake food.  

-- Ron
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