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african butterfly cichlid

23 14:13:27

I have a 65 liter tank that carries 50 liters with everything in it and i recently bought two african butterfly cichlids. They are a beautiful fish but i'm not sure if they are both males or male and female. The larger one seems to chase the other one away as well as chasing a female fighting fish away. I was wondering if the african butterfly cichlid males chase the females as well as males, because i'm wondering if i have two males or maybe a male and female? Would the male chase females away just to be dominant or is the other african butterfly cichlid a male as well? Also is this typical fish behaviour?

Thanks alot, hope you can get back to me soon.

Hi Jeremy,
  Males will chase males and males will chase females (and sometimes females will chase females :) )  

  Chasing is a normal and very common fish behaviour for pretty much every species of fish.  

-- Ron
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