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Molly is bting the Gouramis

23 14:13:27

I have set up a 35" X 30" X 16"
tank for the fishes. I have 8 gouramis, 10 tiger barbs and got a few couple of red molly. The male Red molly seem to be very aggressive and they keep on biting the Gouramis and so I have taken those mollys out of the tank. Are they not compatible with each other? The pet shop guy told me that they are compatible.
What can we do to avoid this?

Hi Rumjhum;

Mollies and gouramis usually are compatible. There are exceptions to every rule however and the particular mollies you have may just be more aggressive than normal, or they see the gouramis as a threat for some reason. There really isn't much you can do except provide more hiding places for all your fish to create visual barriers so they can get away from each other if they need to. If that doesn't work, the mollies will have to be kept separated. Good Luck...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins