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stocking aquarium

23 11:58:12

i'm currently setting up/cycling a 28 gallon bow front tank. i have a hang on filter that is made by aquaclear.  when i'm ready to stock fish, what would you recommend for this size tank?  i have a heater (pre-set to 78)

Hi Carrie,

Good for you, fishless cycling!  And I like the AquaClear filters, they work wonderfully.

Once your ammonia and nitrites are 0 and nitrates 5-20 ppm you are ready to start stocking.  Be careful to only add 2-3 fish at a time, let the bioload adjust to the new fish and then in a week or so add 2-3 more.  Adding fish slowly will help the bioload slowly adjust so that it doesn't throw your cycle off and you end up with an ammonia spike and new, sick fish.  Add hardier fish first and more aggressive or delicate fish last.

It really depends on what kind of tank set up you are looking for.  There is passive, peaceful, community fish set ups and then more aggressive set ups.  Just depends on your preference.  If you like colorful, passive, entertaining fish try:

-4 platies (come in a variety of colors; I like Mickey Mouse and Red Wags myself)
-4 mollies (come in cremesicle orange, platinum, black or dalmation)
-4 cory cats (come in a variety of white, browns and blacks with Schwartzi's being my favorite)
-6 long finned zebra danios OR 6 gold mountain minnows OR 6 cardinal tetras

This will give you swimming on all levels, top being the school of danios (or minnows or tetras), middle being the platies and mollies and the bottom being the cory cats.

If you like more aggressive species try:

-1 angelfish (koi or marble are my favorites)
-6 smaller barbs (like tiger barbs or cherry barbs)
-2 dwarf gouramis (powder blues are pretty)
-2 loaches (like a dario, avoid ones that get large like clowns, they need a 50+ gallon tank)

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Good luck : ) April M.