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cichlid wont eat

23 11:44:58


my fish
i have a large jack dempsy cichlid maybe 7 to 8 inches long i baught it when it was around 5 inches, it is in a 55 gallon tank with a couple other large cichlids and silver dollars, ever since i bought it it wouldnt eat live foods the other fish gorge themselves till fish are falling out of their mouths but the jack dempsy wont even look at a feeder, i normaly feed them small roseys so they are easy to swallow other than that it is a perfectly healthy fish and wil eat flakes and pellets what could be the cause of this behavier

Hi Alec,
 I don't see any reason to feed a jack dempsey with feeder fish. If it is easting flakes and pellets be happy -- that is the best thing for it.

-- Ron
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