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Baby Sunset Platy Premature Fry

23 11:06:04

Hello, I have a question. Last night (9/21/11) my female sunset/sunburst (not sure which is correct) had fry. I put her in a birthing tank and the babies fell through like they are supposed to but they are not swimming. They are almost see through in color and every once in a while they will twitch and kinda swim around. Right now I have them in a small tank with a bubble disc and a heater. I also crushed up some fish flakes into powder for them to eat. Is there anything else I can do to ensure some of them live?

Hi Jenna,
 For the first few days they will survive off of the yolk they are carrying. After that, they will start eating food.  You might consider getting some frozen baby brine shrimp.  

-- Ron Coleman
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