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Sick betta: lethargic, transparent (follow-up)

23 11:37:20


Sick Betta
Thank you SO much for the swift help! We got the tank water changed out to remove the melafix. I'm going to the store today to look for bettafix. If they don't have it, I presume it would be best to use 1/2 dosing on melafix.

I snapped some pictures of the fish today. She's swimming a little, slowly around the top, which is improvement over lying on the bottom, but her color and fins continue to worsen. Her whole body seems to droop. I wanted to see what we should do next.

I didn't have a pea to feed her (will get one tonight), though I don't think she's constipated since I can see right through her she's so transparent. I fed her a small amount of frozen brine shrimp instead.

Hi Marian,
I would not treat him with Melafix or Bettafix.  He looks in bad shape to me, and I would let him be for a few days in just clean water with no medication in it.  This is to give him a rest from the melafix.  Add diluted aquarium salt to his water.  (One teaspoon to 5 gallons of water)  The Melafix has done this to him.  Melafix can kill bettas, so do not medicate him with anything for the next few days.  Keep his water extremely clean, and change all of his water again in two days.  You will have to medicate him with a good antibiotic.  "Tetracycline" would be my choice, if you see that he worsens.  He appears to have fin, and tail rot.  Melafix, and Bettafix will not cure this.  Poor little guy, I hope he gets well soon, and keep me posted on any change of behavior...but do not use Bettafix, or Melafix.