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Is my Oscar Pregnant

23 14:50:17

I have 3 oscars in a 55 Gallon tank, my Jack Dempsy is looking different the belly looks swellin and there is something white sticking out of the bottom, what should I do if she is pregnant, I have never done this before please help.

Hi Sandy,
  I'm not sure which fish you are worried about, the oscars or the Jack Dempsey.  In any case, neither oscars nor Jack Dempseys get pregnant as such.  Instead, they lay their eggs on the ground or on another hard surface.  Sometimes, a female of one of these species will swell up with eggs before she lays them.  That could be what is happening.  Unfortunately,
it could also be that your fish is having some sort of internal problem and that can cause them to swell up.  It looks pretty much the same.  Only time will tell.

-- Ron
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