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Question about vibrant plastic plants with my discus

23 11:14:27


colorburst plants
Hi, I have 5 discus in a small tropical community 46 gallon bow front. These are my first discus and I'm doing my best to take care of them (water temperature, PH etc) I really love them and I want to have great success with them. My question is... with this new tank came a hood with "moon lights" which turned out to be cool to put in some "color burst florals" from vibran sea. Originally, I have some mellow natural colored plants *some of which are still in, other temporarily out* but I bought a few of these color burst florals to see how they'd look in the moon light.. and they glow very beautifully, the green is a little intense but the electric blue is mellow. Now I've heard having bright gravel (I have natural earth tone gravel and I'm sticking with it) like neon colors can stress fish out. Should I be worried about having a few vibrant plastic plants in my tank?  

They are Blue Ribbon "vibran sea colorburst florals" the back says:
Add a burst of color to your aquarium & terrarium with our colorburst florals. "silk style" aquarium plants & florals. Our colorburst florals aquarium plants & florals are hand-dyed and acented with small floral bouquets to provide breathtaking floral clusters which are safe for all aquariums & terrariums. Their soft & realistic arrangement allows them to naturally sway and undulate in aquarium water flow. A hand-crafted natural looking weighted base secures the plants in the aquarium gravel.

Thanks for your time I appreciate it!

and while I'm at it, if you have any more tips on discus I'd really appreciate it. I've been told that driftwood is great but at my local expert shop they don't have driftwood in their discus tanks and they say it's not necessary.


in the photo it shows the moon lights in action, a colorburst blue plant on the left (the black circles are discus floating infront of it) on the right is a colorburst green plant.. the red light is my hydor volcano bubbler. There are plants in the middle but they're natural greens and don't glow. I was thinking of putting a few more colorburst SMALL plants in the foreground, this is what brought me to write this question.

Also that's a star wars tie fighter you can almost see in the middle sunken =)

Sorry I wrote so much, I just love my tank and I don't want to stress the fish. So, a few more colorburst plants, good bad? already too much?


Hi JC,
  I don't think the colorburst plants will matter one bit to the discus.  The tie fighter, however... :)  

  The key to keeping discus is maintaining really high quality water. You need to be doing regular weekly water changes of 25% once a week, EVERY week.  The first sign of trouble with discus is when they start "pouting" and turning dark.  Sadly, it tends to be a long, one way street from that point, so keep up the water quality and best of luck.

-- Ron C.
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