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Green Terror wont eat

23 11:01:20

My 9 in. Green Terror isn't eating. He is alone in a 40 gal breeder tank. He has no desire to look for food or eat from the surface. I scoop out uneaten food daily. I feed him once a day with Hikari pellets. I also try flakes, frozen krill and frozen brine shrimp. I bought him at 2 in. two years ago, so I know he's eating. Not much for the last few months.

Parameters are PH=7.2, Ammo=0, Nitrite=0, Nitrate=0, Temp 82, change water 2x w/k with daily scooping of uneaten food. There are 2 Penguin 350's on this tank. I keep the gravel at less than 1/4 in. and there are open spaces where I leave sinking food. I bought a feeding ring so he can find food on the surface. I even put a dish in the tank so I can place his pellets in there. Nothing has worked.

I tried the Garlic Guard to soak his pellets in. He eats some but there's always uneaten food.

Any ideas?

Hi AL,
  Normally I would suggest more water changes but it sounds like you are already doing a great job of that.  Hmmm.... When he poops, is it the normal brown or is it white and stringy with lumps (that indicates an intestinal infection)?

-- Ron C.
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