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500 Gallon Stocking

23 11:45:41

Hi Lynda! :)

A friend of mine is setting up his new 500 gallon tank and although most of the set-up has been taken care of, he's stumped as to what to do with the stock list. I myself own a 180 gallon peaceful community and a 150 gallon semi-aggressive community, but this 500 gallon will be for monster fish. The current stock list includes the following:

1 x Silver Arowana
1 x Indonesian Datnoid
2 x Oscars
1 x Clown Knife
1 x Jaguar Catfish
5 x Red-Tailed Tinfoil Barbs

My first question is, is there room in the tank to add any more fish? If so, what would you suggest that would be compatible with this set-up? An ornate bichir and a lima shovelnose catfish have been suggested but I don't think my friend likes them all that much. Any advice or suggestions would be helpful! Thank you :)


This will be a beautiful tank!  I would not add to it, as most of these fish get very big.  The more space they have, the better.  A tank is much prettier to see with fish that have space to move as they please, than one that is overstocked.  Most of these fish are aggressive, so I would not add to this list.