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my giant goldfish

23 11:57:59


my fish 012309 huge goldfish (once tiny) has since grown a near golf-sized lump on his side - his upper side to be more exact - it's been there for nearly a year - and just today i've noticed that it appears to be paling and shredding off of his body - at the attachment of it it has turned a sort of clearish grey - unlike it's previous gold and black spottishness (a word?) - it looks bad - do goldfish feel pain? could he BE in pain? what should i do - and/or what is it? - Thanks SO much, Emily M Kiefer

Hi Emily,
 It certainly looks like he has a tumor of some sort.  There isn't anything you can do about that unfortunately.   Yes, all animals feel
pain.  The decision is yours about what to do.  Personally, I wouldn't do anything.

-- Ron
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