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Not eating.

23 14:14:15

I just got a Male betta a few days ago, and we got him a small bowl. I did not know that he needed to have a 75-80 degree temperature, so I went out and bought him a 5 gallon tank with a filter and a heater. he always stays on the side of the tank and swims into it as if trying to get out. When I feed him, it takes him forever to find the food, and when he does he is wary of eating it. If he decides to eat it, he spits it out again. I'm afraid hes not getting enough food because he keeps spitting out what he bothers to get. Is he depressed? Maybe hes staying on the sides of the tank becuase hes used to the small confinement of the bowl at the pet store? Or is he depressed because hes been moved from an ity bitty bowl to a 70 degree bowl to a bowl again to a bag and to a tank?

Catie,                                                       I know you are trying to gove him the best , but filters sometime bother bettas. They don't like the movement in the water. They don't not need an ecosystem. So you can just do a monthly water change in a tank  that big and he will prob be happy. Give him a pea once a week to ward off bacteria infections like swim bladder infection and dropsy....Good Luck..Tina