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Sick Sick Oscar

23 11:59:20

I have a 10 year old Oscar he lives in a 50 gallon tank with just a placustomus.  The last few weeks he has been getting open red sores on the top of his head and has jumped between really aggressive and really passive behavior.  I have taken pictures of the wounds to the vet and they tell me it is ick but I don't see any white spots anywhere.  I tried treating him for a fungus and it seemed to clear up for a few days but then starts again.  The water is good and the placustomus is fine.  Tonight I am really scared because I came home from work and he was just laying on the bottom of his tank and not moving.  He is still alive but I fear it won't be for long.  Please tell me how to help my fish I don't want to lose him.  10 years is a long time and I raised him from just a tiny little one inch baby.

Hi Twyla,
 That is not ick.   I recommend that you change 25% of the water in the tank immediately and then do the same again once a day for the next 3 days.  

 Be sure that you use a gravel siphon when you change the water, to seriously clean the gravel in the tank.

(Have you been doing regular weekly water changes?   You should be changing 25% of his water once a week, EVERY week).

-- Ron
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