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Is my filter too strong?

23 11:20:26


The Home of Dorothy an
Dear Lynda,
I have a ten gallon aquarium divided between two female betta fish. I purchased a fish tank divider to separate them because they were nipping each other. I tried to divide the tank evenly so they each have approx. five gallons to themselves. I also have a heater for them (which keeps the tank at approx. 79 degrees) and use Tetra AquaSafe conditioner in their tank in addition to a little aquarium salt.  (I read that aquarium salt helps? You can use the two together can't you?) I am using the filter that came with the tank, however, it seems to be disrupting my fish as they swim. Even if they are swimming near the front of the tank they appear to be getting blown about by the filter which is on the back wall of the tank.  Is my filter too strong? Thank you so much!  

Hi Megan,
 A filter is never too strong, but bettas can be blown away.  Since you are cycling your tank, you must have a filter, otherwise you would have to change all of the water every 8-10 days, instead of removing 25% of your water every week, which would be a hassle.  You could try some cottony materiel found in pet stores or Walmart that they use for corner filters.  Put the materiel at the end of your filter arm.  This should help slow down the water movement.  You may have a setting on your filter.  Check to see, and if there is one, put it on low.  Sometimes it is located at the top of the arm.  Also you could try to cover the bottom of the arm with a white nylon stocking.  You would find the stockings at a dollar store, which would be much cheaper.  Make a little bag, and cover the bottom of your arm using a string.  This may slow it down, and at the same time keep your water cycled.
It is good to use aquarium salt.  You could put 2 teaspoons of salt to help with parasites, and stress.  Make sure you dilute it first with water from your tank.
I hope this will help.