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cichlid question

23 11:01:29


I was wondering at what age and size can you put a Demasoni in with a population of adult african cichlids considering they're a dwarf cichlid? I've had him about 4 months. He's about 2 inches right now. My 55 gallon adult cichlid tank consist of a mixture of 11 african cichlids, zebras, auratas, yellow labs and a red jewel, who average between 4 to 7 inches in size. Thanks in advance.

Hi Doug,
 The issue isn't so much age as size.  I fear that a 2 inch fish in a population of substantially larger fish will not last long. I personally would never put it in there, but it is up to you.  The only way it will survive is if there are LOTS and LOTS of hiding places for it.  

-- Ron C.
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