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Female betta laying eggs?

23 11:13:02


Betta fish
I recently purchased a female betta fish from the local pet store. She lives in a small aquarium (no filter, water at room temperature) by herself and eats a small pinch of flakes once a day. I recently noticed that she was forming a sort of pot belly, a swelled stomach between the pectoral fins. At first I thought I was feeding her too much so I cut back on the amount of food. After a few days the swelling went down so I didn't worry about. However, when I went to feed her today I noticed she had a long, darker colored chain of small beads hanging from her belly in between her pectoral fins. What is wrong with her? I feel that the likelihood of her laying eggs is very lows since she hasn't been around any male betta.  


Thank you for the nice picture. I am going to say something I don't think you want to hear. I believe your female Betta is in fact a male. I have one that was supposed to be female and it turned out the store was wrong. I am saying this because of the length of the pectoral fins. They are very long in males, and short in females. Also, the dorsal fin is pointed, and females are more round. One way to tell is to look where the string is coming from. Do you see what looks like a white tube? If she has one then she is female, if not it is a male. That tube is called the Ovipositor.  I think what you are see is Betta poop. He might have been constipated and when you cut down on the food, it started helping him. Betta females do not lay eggs. They need the male to wrap himself around her and literally  squeeze the eggs out of her. Either male or female, she needs to have a heater. Betta's are tropical fish and needs the water temp to be around 80-82 degrees. Let me know if you see the Ovipositor.