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My beta is sick and I dont know what to do

23 14:26:21

Hi. I have feeling my beloved beta fish might be sick, but have no clue as to what is wrong with him or how i can cure it. I've had him for about a year and he has always seemed very healthy and active.  Recently, his stomach has become very bloated and his color around that area has faded dramatically. He still has an appetite, but he's been fasting to try and reduce his bloating.  I took the advice of other websites and tried to feed him a cooked pee, but he does not eat it.  I keep him in a vase fill with water and stones on the bottom.  If you have any idea as to what my beta's problem is, i would be more than grateful!

Hi Amy, Betta fish become sick very often and sometimes it can be the smallest thing that can make them sick. I would try and totally clean out the vase and make sure that the pH balance is ok and that you have used water conditioner. Color fade is quite common in Betta's especially if they have been kept in the same small space for quite some time. If you can maybe try to move him to a bigger space. As for the bloated stomach i would try changing his diet, but before you do fast him for 2 to 3 days. Your fish could be constipated. Go to this link for more information. good luck Amy, i hope your fish gets better soon.