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Tail biting and dark spots

23 11:47:42


I read your advice concerning dark spots on betta tails. I have medicated that tank. However I have a betta that tears at his own tail (he's in a 5 gallon tank, I don't have a very large budget) and I also have a male in another tank that flares all the time at everything, my concern is that I believe he has torn his tail from flaring like that. Is there anything I can do to stop these behaviors? They seem very happy and interact well with me, responding when called and swimming to visit me. I really love the little guys. Thank you for any advice you might have.

Hi April,
Do your bettas see each other.  If they do, this is not good as it stresses them.  He is stressed, try to find the reason to why he is.  It could be the water chemistry.  Change all the water weekly.  Make sure you have no ammonia in your water.  Check your PH, it should be between 7.0 - 7.5.  Do they have a little plant that they can rest on, and some little knick knack that they can go through?  Bettas love this.  Also your water should be warm 78-80-82 degrees.  They are tropical fish, and are cold under this temperature.  If you do raise the temperature, do this slowly, very very degree every two days.  Raising the temperature too fast would kill your betta.  
Never overfeed them.  Feed them betta pellets, betta flakes, daphnia, and bloodworms alternating each day two or three times a day.  Two pellets for one meal.  Feeding him more than this for one meal is not good as his tummy is the size of his eye.  We must always remember this when feeding our bettas.
You could also try giving him a cure with Betta Fix.  He may have something wrong with him.  It's hard to tell because he has nothing on his body.  
He's a beautiful betta!  