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My 80 gallon tank

23 11:04:19

QUESTION: Dear Johnson,
        I would like to ask about my aquarium.In my 80 gallon tank are,
1 giant gourami of 10cm
1 red tail catfish of 12cm
2 rainbow shark of 7cm
2 blue gourami of 6cm
2 yellow gourami of 6cm
and 6 other small fish about 4cm each
They are living all quite peaceful.
I've support my tank with two 15 watt filters.
My question is
1) Is my filtration system enough?
2) What should I prepare when my giant gourami and red tail catfish become very large?
3) What is your opinion about the tank-mate of my aquarium?

Thank you and waiting for you answer.

Since everyone is getting along, you should be ok to keep everyone together. The best way to check if the filters are working good is to test your water for ammonia and nitrites. If any of the readings are over zero, then I would check into getting better filters, or moving some of the fish to a different tank. When your fish get too large, you will have to move them over to a larger tank. I would start doing that now. If the tank gets too small for them, their growth will be stunted and they will die very painfully. It is always best to start the fish off in the correct size tank rather than having to move them.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear Jaymie,
         Thank you very much for your reply.
         I've also raised some archer fish.There are 3 of them and they are very young, about 2cm each.
My question is,
         1) Is 24cm*12cm*12cm tank fit to keep them for a while?If so,when will I need to change the tank again?
         2) Is it ok to keep my archer fish together with guppies,Molly and sword tail.
         3) I'm planning to give only floating type fish food pellets to my archer fish and so,will it be ok?


To keep this type of fish you will need a tank a lot bigger than 24cm. These fish can get up to 11 inches long. They are a schooling fish and need to be in a group of at least 5. With that many fish, the tank will have to be over 100 gallons. I have included a website you should read up on.