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Is my neon Mickey Mouse platy moon fish pregnant

23 11:00:31

Possibly pregnant
Possibly pregnant  
I originally bought 3 from the local pet store and had them for a few days. I started out with 2 females and one male when I bought them one of the females stomachs was a bit larger than the others I didn't mind it. My male died so I took it back to the store and got another female it died too. Now my females belly is quite larger than the other females and my question is if she's pregnant or not. She doesn't act any different than the others just skiddish of my camera.

Yes. You can tell when she will give birth because about 2 weeks before hand the area around her ventral fin will darken. They give birth to live young that are quite easy to raise so long as you provide ample cover for the babies to hide. Let me know if you need anything else. :)