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yellow lab cicilids

23 11:18:31

i was wondering how you can tell the difference between a male cicilid and a female. i have 2 yellow labs one of which has a single gold spot on his anal fin the other however does not. i also have an electric blue cicilid that is primaraly black with 2 or 3 blue stripes on each side.

Hi Shane,
 There are no hard and fast rules that cover all cichlids.  In fact, the way to tell the sexes is very species-specific.  For instance, in some species the male is one color and the female another. In other species, both sexes are identical.  With electric yellows, the spot in the anal fin is suggestive, but not conclusive, that that fish is a male.  In general, males are brighter and have a more distinct black edging on the dorsal fin.
 I can't really tell you much about the electric blue, partly because there are several fishes that are called the electric blue.  

-- Ron C.
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