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I think Im hurting my fish

23 11:01:23

i wash out my fish tank twice a week and after I do it my fish stay at the top in the corner not eating or anything for that whole day. I have two beta fish and they are both in different tanks and they both respond differently after I clean their tank they'll go to the top and stay there then the red one will come down and the blue would stay at the top. Am I doing something wrong how can I get them to act normally?

Hopefully both Betta's are in a 2.5 gallon tank, minimum, with a heater. Depending on the size of the tank, you should only do water changes every week. Once a month, you can change the tank completely. Don't forget to add a water conditioner to the clean water being added in. It is so much easier to have them both in their own 5 gallon tanks. The bigger the tank the easier it is to keep clean. When you do the tank cleaning it is very important that the new water is the same temperature as the water they are swimming in. Even 2 degrees hotter or colder will cause them to stress. The tanks do not have to be glass. I have quite a few of my Betta's is rubbermaid containers. Once you have them in the right size home and add a heater to each tank you should see a big difference in your fish.