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shark question

23 11:18:15

Hi Lynda,

I have a rainbow shark alone in a 10 gallon. I bought him for my son. I have a few questions. First of all, if he's kept alone will he grow ok in a 10 gallon tank? I also have a 60 gallon mbuna tank with a mixture of 10 mbuna and a syndontis. My next question is I was pondering putting him in that tank once he gets about 4 inches. Would this be ok?

Hi Doug,
Rainbow sharks should live in groups in a big tank.  He will not do with African Cichlids, and he will be miserable in a ten gallon tank. His growth will be stunted, and his internal organs will have no place to grow.  He will eventually die a horrible death. The need 150 to 200 gallons of water.  I'm sorry to bring you bad news.