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Dasher has calmed down now.

23 11:55:33

QUESTION: Hi Lynda. The ghosts there are all caspers. I should know, I have known them for eleven years. Her name is Margerate Radclyffe. She's friendly. They are all friendly that's why I call them caspers. I dropped my long cane and saw her pick it up while I was there so I said thamk you. She has an interesting story that fascinates me every time I hear it. If you go onto google and just type in Ordsall Hall you will go on to the website. It nearly did get torn down but I saved it again. I am sad to know it is closing but glad it will reopen in 2011. Dasher has calmed down. When you say cory catfish eat anything does that include fingers because that is what they did when I fed them today. She ran out of food but I went and got more when I knew what they ate. She said two are breeding but again didn't tell me what to do. She said I should know what to do as I have goldfish but they are differnt fish altogether. The catfish will be here for a few months and they are very playful and active and cute. On the ordsall Hall website there is a web cam where you can see the ghosts too. I am an expert on ordsall hall. Ask me a question about Ordsall Hall and I gaurantee I will be able to answer it. I love it there, it's great.
The staff are great friends too.

ANSWER: Hi Danielle,
Those little cory catfish cannot be kept with larger goldfish because the goldfish try to eat them, and their little armored body, and pics will stick to the Goldfish throat, and the Goldfish will drown.  If caught doing this, one must use tweezers to try and take out the pics...nasty job, and better to avoid it!
Breeding catfish is a little tricky as you must remove the eggs...they breed easy, but you must be set up to do this.
I read up on Margaret Redclyffe.  Fascinating's great that they are going to renovate, and not let this part of history die.
Have a nice day

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Lynda. The cory are not in the same tank as the goldfish luckily. I can't remenber what my friend has in the tank with them but I had these fish in with cory when I was only one year old. Mum told me. My goldfish are in their own tank. I don't want my goldfish to drown. The tank the cory are in is set up for breeding. I will keep you informed of how she is doing. I will take the eggs out. The friend told me something I didn't like about Keiko Lunar and Willy. She said when we flush dead fish and they reach the sea the goldfish will get eaten by other fish and that upset me so I just wanted to get that of my chest. They will never let the history in  ordsall hall die. I talk to Margaret Radclyffe every time I go there. I talk to her brother, Alexander Radclyffe too. I talk to all the ghosts there They are my friends. They did ask how Keiko, Lunar and Willy are so I told them I lost them but they are in fishy heaven now and will never get sick again. I agree with you her story is fascinating. One of the cory fish isn't eating. He has black spots on him that weren't there before and keeps flipping over upside down. Poor Rex, I just hope I can cure him. I have just fed all the fish but Rex just won't eat anything. He just lies on the bottom and if he does try to swim he flips over. I have got a necklace with a tudor coin on it from ordsall hall.

ANSWER: Hi Danielle,
This is what I found on Black Spots...

Black Ich
Black Ich disease appears as small black spots distributed over the fish's body. The spots are about half the size of a pinhead or smaller. They are primarily found on the body and are are especially easy to see on light-colored body areas or on the transparent areas of the fins. Affected fish will scratch on the bottom or other aquarium objects. Other signs of the disease include lethargy, development of a pale body color, and lack of appetite. The disease is caused by a small worm known as a tubellarian. After parasitizing a fish, the worms develop on the fish's skin and gills and acquire dark pigmentation. They are freely mobile and will tend to move over the surface of the fish. After five or six days depending on the environmental conditions, they drop to the bottom of the aquarium. There they mature, with the development of the young worms within their body. Once the development of the young is complete, the adult worms burst, releasing the free swimming young that infest new host fish. The worms can be controlled with various commercially available medications. Formalin based products or those containing organophosphate compounds such as trichlorfon appear to be the best medications. In addition to the use of medications, any excessive buildup or organic material and debris should be siphoned from the aquarium several times during treatment. Since the young worms develop on the aquarium bottom, the removal of debris will aid in controlling the disease by reducing their numbers.

I sure hope that they don't have this disease poor little things.

That necklace must be beautiful, treasure it.
Have a good time at the party.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Lynda. They do have this disease unfortunately. That's bad isn't it? I have little cory catfish eggs now. I have removed them from the tank. Luckily the tank the cory are in is set up for breeding. I saw the eggs and said "your not eating the eggs today." They moved away when I said that and I managed to take seperate the eggs. Is there anything I need to do now the eggs are in seperate water from the adults? I will treasure the necklace I promise. I will treat the Rex and the other cory fish right away. I have never heard of black ich disease, only ever heard of white ich disease. I don't want their number to reduce. Please will you tell three cheeky goldfish to behave? They are attacking the filter today.

Hi Danielle,
Black ick is very rare, I have never had to deal with this disease in any of my tanks.  You will have to treat them to get rid of this disease.  Make sure you wash your hands before touching your tank, after touching the cory's water.  You don't want your fish to catch this nasty disease.
You will have to feed the fry microworms, and frozen baby brine shrimp.  They are free swimming after two days.  They usually have spawns of 200 eggs...Oh dear, you will have your work cut out for you!!  They are so cute!  I hope your friend comes back soon.
Take care, and good luck!