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betta fish might be dying

23 11:37:05


I have had my betta fish for 4yrs now and for 2 weeks he hasn't eaten and has been at the bottom of the fish bowl, hardly moving.  I'm not for sure if he's dying of natural causes or what's wrong...he doesn't have scales sticking out, nothing on his body...I just want to know if I can do anything for him or I sure hope he's not suffering as I am so sad to watch this.  Any advice is greatly appreciated!


ANSWER: Hi Debra,
You must have done something right to have kept him for 4 years.  How refreshing to read this.  He could have Swim Bladder Disease, or it could be old age.  We never know how old our bettas are when we buy them.  Since he is not eating, I would try to cure him with "Tetracycline" just incase he has Swim Bladder Disease.  This disease is caused by constipation, and overfeeding.  Bettas should be fed 2-3 times a day in small amounts.  Example: 2 pellets, or 2 flakes for one meal.  It might not be SBD, but I would try tetracycline.  Keep his water very clean, and add diluted aquarium salt to his tank. ( 1 teaspoon to 5 gallons of water)  If you see that this medication isn't helping him, and that nothing shows up on his body to indicate a disease, the kindest thing to do would be to help him along.  I hope not, because we get so attached to our bettas.
I hope the little man pulls through.  Keep me posted on how he is doing please.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Morning Lynda,

Thank you so much for the reply, it was greatly appreciated!  I hate to say that my Bubba died this weekend...he will be missed as he was my desk companion at work for 4yrs...guess it was just his time to go...see ya Bubba!  Thanks again Blessed

Hi Debra,
I'm so sorry for your loss.  Knowing how attached we are towards this little fish, I know how hard it is when they go.  He has gone to the big aquarium in the sky, his time had come.  Bubba, was a well kept betta, and lived a nice life with you.
Thank you for letting me know, and take care.