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Sick Siamese Fighting Fish

23 11:18:19


Hi.  I have a male Siamese Fighting Fish whom I've had for a few months.  I've recently noticed he was settling at the bottom of his tank more than usual.  By the next morning there were many little bubbles at the surface of the water indicating areas where he had inhaled oxygen.  Skippy constantly keeps having to swim to the surface of the water for air as he is out of breath every few seconds.  As you can see in the photo, the bladder beneath his gills has swelled up.  I think this swelling skews his buoyancy as he tends to sink to the bottom of the tank.  A clear string-like discharge is also secreting from the bottom of his body.  A black flap can be seen hanging out beneath his gills.  Lastly, he's stopped eating.  I've fed him live shrimp as well as dry flakes over the past months; all which he seems to enjoy up until now.  I've changed his water at least three times in the past few days now as I was afraid his condition was caused by stagnant water.  I do not believe this is something that will go away on its own and I fear this is a time sensitive issue.  My fish is very ill; any assistance will be of great value.  Thank you.

Hi Virginia,
 Sadly I think Skippy is getting old.  These are the classic signs of a betta starting to age (which they do really rapidly).  They do not live long unfortunately.  

-- Ron C.
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