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cichlid at top of tank

23 13:58:17

Dear Mr Coleman,

I recently purchased two yellow cichlids. Today I found one hanging around in the corner at the top of the tank. The other seems fine. I am wondering if little cichlids are going to appear as I've noticed the healthy cichlid digging in the gravel & when it swims to the other, both their fins stand erect..
The healthy one is slighlt larger, has a black stripe along its bottom fins, and a black stripe through its eyes (male?).
The one at the top of the tank has yellow bottom fins, no black stripe through its eyes & its black stripe along its top fin is not as vivid (female?).

If its not a mating issue, I'm a bit worried my cichlid might be sick. However I am confused as to why the other one is fine..

Thanx, Leah

Hi Leah,
 Unfortunately, most likely the "healthy" one is attacking the other one and that is why it is hiding up at the top corner of the tank.  

 The solution is to either separate the fish or to provide MUCH more structure in the tank, such that the weaker fish has LOTS of places to hide if it feels the need.

-- Ron
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