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Feeding/Tank Mater

23 15:01:13

I have 2 tiger barbs, 2 pink and 1 blue tetra's, 1 angelfish and a sailfin tetra. How often should I be feeding them? We usto feed twice a day weve since been told to feed once, but now im reading in some places to feed twice again, i could use some clarity. Also weve had some near disasters with sharks and oscar's (since adopted) could you give me a list of tank mates, unfortunatly the only place near here to get fish is wal-mart and they are really bad at the advice thing. (neon tetra's (now all gone) and sharks dont mix) BTW I have a 44 gallon tall aquarium. Thanks


Luc MacInnis

Hi Luc,
 Feeding once a day is fine.  I sometimes even skip a day.

 An oscar will eat anything it can fit in its mouth. All tankmates will eventually end up in the oscar.

 Probably the best tank mates for your existing fish would be other tetras or danios. But, don't go with the really tiny species like neon tetras -- go with some of the larger tetras, e.g., head and taillight tetras are nice.

-- Ron
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