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Discus and Elephant Nose Fish??????

23 11:12:08

I am about to set up a 60 gallon aquarium after being in the hobby for a long time. I was wondering if in general the elephantnose fish would be able to be comfortable (maybe a dwarf species?) in these quarters, as I am unfamiliar with fish over 4 inches! Thanks.

First of all, I apologize for the delayed response, holidays are here! Anyway, you are asking about the elephant nose. Its basic requirement would be about a 50 gallon tank. If you have a 60, you're good to go! Its normal adult size is around 9". Its care level would be about as moderate as the discus. Like the discus' required high quality water condition, it also needs water around 6.5- 7.0 ans the temperature at around 73-80 degrees. The elephant nose is generally a timid and reclusive fish that prefers a fine gravel substrate with many plants and rocks for hiding places from light. It is however, semi-aggressive. It does well with other large species of peaceful nature but can be aggressive toward those of similar or smaller sizes. So, be cautious if mixing with discus. Many people purchase a clear plastic tube they hide in which is put into the tank, its called a ghost tube. This facilitates viewing during the daytime. Also like the discus, they are carnivorous and eat meaty foods such as blood worms brine shrimp along with flakes and pellets. Keep in mind that the discuss need to be kept in schooling groups and they will become more territorial when breeding. I hope this helps you and if you have any other questions feel free to contact me anytime. Good luck.