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cichlids (malawi)

23 12:02:26

QUESTION: Is there a way to tell the difference between a male and female juvenile Red Fin Borleyi? The fish store I go to tends not to sell female Haps as much as males and when they do they are usually juveniles.

ANSWER: Hi David,
  Unfortuantely, if there is such a way, I certainly can't do it.  Sorry.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

what am I?
what am I?  
QUESTION: Hi Ron Happy New Year,
I recently bought this cichlid thinking that it was a tangerine tiger. I know now it's not but I would like to what it is and I was wondering if you had any idea. Its darker than the picture shows If you have any idea I would really apreciate it. Thank-you

Hi David,
 As far as I know, "Tangarine tiger" is a trade-name, i.e., a name used by fish sellers and not an actual fish name so unfortunately I don't know which fish that is.  Worse yet, I am not very familiar with Lake Malawi cichlids so I can't help you identify that one. Sorry.

-- Ron
   Cichlid Research Home Page <>