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23 11:07:04

I have a 10 galon tank for now for my babys right now i have a young tire track eel and a black skirted tetra, i had a electric blue jack dempsey but i put her back at my freinds pet shop for now she is about 2'' long and has a really good temperment so far with the tetra and the eel. Question #1.(how fast will she grow) #2(what other fish can i place with the ebjd that wont be much of a problem if i get them at a realy young age so they grow up together, that way they wont fight or kill eachother wen they get older)

Hi Kay,
  The speed at which your electric blue jack dempsey grows is a function of several things. It mostly depends on the water temperature (higher temp = faster growth).  It also depends on how frequently you change the water (more changes = faster growth).  As far as other fish, you need to be very careful.  Electric blue jack dempseys are not particularly "strong" cichlids so you want to be careful not to put in any other cichlids (in my opinion).  You might consider some of the larger tetras, like black skirt tetras.  

 The fact that they grow up together MIGHT reduce their odds of killing each other as they get older, but I know of little evidence for that.  

-- Ron C.
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