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Eye tumor?

23 13:57:29

Hi Ron, We have a jellybean parrot fish that is approximately 5 years old. Over the last eight months it has gotten popeye several times. We treated it with tetracycline and maracyn. It seemed to do the trick. It brought the eye back down and the fish seemed normal for a couple months but had what looked to be a bump above the eye that never went away. We have tried to keep up with the water changes (at least 25%) every 1-2 weeks (sometimes a little longer). Over the past couple days it has been growing again. Now, however, it seems to be growing above, to the side, and underneath the eye. It looks like it could be a tumor and reminds me of cauliflower! It almost looks as if there is liquid in it and it could burst at any moment and I can see the blood vessels very clearly. There is also holes in between his eyes (that seem to have been there for a long time but seem to resemble hole in the head). All the other fish in the tank are healthy and have been. It seems now as if the other fish (3 clown loaches, 2 blue gouramis, & 2 other parrots) are attacking him and making it worse--it looks as if they are tearing it apart. (It is mostly the loaches that won't leave him alone.) He is still eating normally but does seem to be hanging around the bottom of the tank when it's not feeding time. The tank is 55 gallon, freshwater. Any advice would be appreciated. I feel so badly for him but don't want to do any other medicications without checking with someone who knows what they're talking about. I appreciate your time.


Hi Kara,
 I think that whatever you do in terms of medications, you need to isolate that fish very soon or the other fish will finish him off.

 As far as medications, I don't have any preferences for treating that sort of thing.  

-- Ron
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