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My Sick Angel??

23 11:07:49

My Angel
My Angel  
QUESTION: OK. So I have a 50 gallon tank. I did have 4 turquoise rainbows and my angelfish. I noticed the rainbows picking on my angel and immediately donated them to another fish family. It was still too late. I knew that she had fin and tail rot. I tried Melafix with aquarium salt. It did not seem to help. She still did not act right. She stayed hidden and was still not eating well. So then I used API fungus cure. The guy at the pet store who usually ACTS like he knows what he is talking about, said that I should notice fin regrowth after a few days. I have done a 95% water change at the end of this treatment. ALL of my parameters are perfect. Nitrates, nitrites, ph, and hardnes. She is acting much better though I have seen no improvement as far as fins growing back. Her fins are still ragged and her side fins are threadbare still. Should I try another medicine or should I wait and hope? This angel is my baby. She is over a year old and I just could not stand to lose her. Please help!!

ANSWER: Hello Rhonda,

She's definitely got fin rot.  I'm so sorry he sold you melafix.  It's worthless for this condition.

She needs a salt bath in a warm environment.  A hospital tank, maybe heated to 80F, and 2 teaspoons of marine salt per gallon dissolved in it, for 3 to 5 days.  In about a week, to 10 days, you will notice regrowth and the cessation of the fin rot.

I will cross fingers for her fast recovery.  I have 2 also.  I love them dearly.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well, I did the salt bath for 5 days, changed the water 25& she seemed to be looking and acting much better!! Her fins were starting to grow back too!! Now she has a white patch on her fin about half the size of my pinky nail. A secondary infection? All my water parameters are perfect I have been checking them every two days. :(

Yes.  You are correct.  Change another 25%, and then day after tomorrow, another 25%.  We want to minimize bacterial growth throughout the week.

Do you have a desire to start a second tank?  To me, it seems she's possibly being bullied, injuring her extremities.  This causes them to be more susceptible to infections.  Stress from other fish lowers immunity.  

Maybe it's time for an angelfish environment?  :)  If not, we do need to keep a little salt in the main tank to keep the fungus, bacteria and parasite growth to a minimum.  This will not hurt your other fishes.  It is actually beneficial to keep from one half a teaspoon per gallon to one teaspoon per gallon of aquarium salt in the main aquarium, replacing it with water changes, as necessary.

So, if your tank is a 45 gallon, add 23 teaspoons.  Add half a teaspoon of salt per gallon to the main tank, dissolved.  If this doesn't change her fin whiteness within 3 days, double it.  It will be fine to leave it in there.  It's not going to hurt the fish.

I certainly look forward to a response, and hope little angelfish gets better.