Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > WOW!


23 13:55:21

Hello. My name is Jarod and I have been recently talking to one of the other
experts about my goldfish named Trooper! He has made it through at least 5
illnesses in his 2 and a 1/2 yr life! I noticed about 3 weeks ago he was not
swimming upright more 45 degree angle. Then out of nowhere he started
swelling. He swam upside with the bloat sticking out of the water for the last
5-6 days. The other expert had told me to feed him peas for about 3 days. I
have hand fed him peas for the last 2 days but he seemed to spit them out
the moment he returned to the water. Now the rough part.... This morning i
woke up and looked over at him and noticed he was upright and not bloated.
But at a closer look the swelling near the belly and vent(anus) Had exploded
it appears. His belly is literally concaved. He is not able to swim upright
either. I was just curious if maybe he will recover now that not bloated or is it  
Troopers time to be put down. Thank You very much for any input you may

Hi Jarod: It sounds as though your fish had an intestinal blockage which he has now passed. If he is eating then I would feed him flake food and brine shrimp from now on.  If you have been feeding him pellets in the past I would not do so now as they can be the cause of intestinal blockages in fish.  He will most likely recover from this.   It will take some time for his body to come back to a normal swimming position but he should return to normal.  If you feel as though his anus has become more of a wound then I would treat him with aquarium salt for now and if you see no progress in the anus returning to a more normal state then I would treat him with malfix if there appears to be tears in his tissue.   Please keep me posted... dave