Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > oscar fish jumping out of tank

oscar fish jumping out of tank

23 11:47:02

QUESTION: Hi Lynda, this morning we woke up to find our 5 year old Oscar had jumped out the back of our tank. He had hit the wall and scraped off almost all of his scales on his left side, and has some quite nasty looking damage to his face and body, and some pieces missing out of his head. his eyes are quite cloudy as well.

all morning he hasn't been moving, but in the last hour he has begun to swim around a little bit, and at least is lying upright in the tank, although on the bottom.

i don't know what is best to do for him right now? will his scales grow back if he is ok?

we're just very worried, he is my boyfriend and my first pet together and very loved.

ANSWER: Hi Sally,
Poor dear Oscar!  I would use Melafix, and make sure that his water is very very clean, no ammonia, or nitrites in it.  The PH should be around 7.0 - 7.4  Watch him very closely, make sure no fungus or parasites are found on him.  He is very dizzy now, and my guess would be that he is not eating.  
Keeping his water very clean will help prevent fungus on his wounds.  When fish are weak, parasites may also attack the fish.  If he starts to eat, feed him high quality foods.
If his eyes are still cloudy or his wounds are getting worse, you will have to use a good antibiotic.
Let me know how he is doing after you have used the medication.
I hope the poor fish pulls through.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: how would you recommend cleaning the tank? just normally? his tank is actually due for a clean, we were going to do it today which is really terrible timing!

i'm concerned about disrupting him as at the moment he is very still and looks distressed, his breathing is very heavy.

thank you so much for your quick reply, we're just really worried.

Do you have an ammonia, and nitrite test kit?  If so check your water to make sure he has no ammonia, or nitrites in it.  This is so important.  It would actually help him if you made a water change.  Try not to disturb him where he is lying, and remove water from the bottom of the tank.  
Would you tell me how big his tank is, so I can tell you how much water to remove.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i have an ammonia test kit, but not a nitrate one. we're going to pay a trip to the aquarium soon and we'll pick one up. we just tested the ammonia, but our kit is very vague? we just know it's below 0.25.

the tank is 250 litres

Okay, do a 30% water change tonight, and tomorrow bring some of your water to the pet store, and ask them to check it for you.  They should check your ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and PH levels.  If you nitrites, nitrates, and PH are safe, then all you have to worry about is your ammonia level which should be zero at all times.  An ammonia, and nitrite test is always good to have on hand.  Buy the Melafix if you see that his condition did not get worse overnight.  Melafix is a natural medication which should help him.  Always shake the bottle well before treating, and remove your carbon while using this treatment.  Do not overdose, and follow the directions on the bottle.
Let me know how he is doing, I really hope the little fellow pulls through as I know how attached I am to my Oscar.